Today one of my bros turned twelve! I think he had a good birthday (at least I hope he did!). Went didn't do too much, had a crazy weird video chat (while in the same HOUSE), played Clue Express and went to Fuddrucker's, which have some of the best burgers ever. Glad we got to go, too, we were initially debating about it because of the horrible snow. Hope the snow doesn't damper my plans tomorrow!
More Urbana journal stuff. Enjoy them yet?
From the Realm of Randomness,
7:23pm Still waiting for Ashley. Shouldn't be long now
7:30ish Got to the session. Had some cool worship
7:50pm RANDOM NOTES [Author's note: When I put down random notes, that means they're just stuff I scribbled down while I was listening to a talk. Some of those notes are not complete or make any sense. If you really want to know, ask me. Also time written was when I started scribbling these random notes]
Theme for conference: He Dwelled Among Us
75% of the world do NOT have a Bible. :( India is the least reached place.
-God's mission is much smaller than you think
-God's mission is much bigger than you might think
The incarnation is:
- The means by which God reaches out to us
- The message by which God wants to communicate to us
- The model for how we minister
God calls us to go to others.
A garbage village in.... Egypt(?). So cool. [Author's note: I think the story was about someone who ministered to people in a garbage village]
-Mission in the world can best be understood as the incarnation of Jesus Christ
+The Word came with grace and truth
+Please, no flash photography
+Please silence cell phones, beepers, pagers and PDAs during sessions and seminars
-Urbana culture: The Handbook & wristband peoples
-Lost and Found: Washington Avenue Entrance
Family groups: Form with people in your housing area
For more info, Handbook, pg. 53
Let Scripture Speak: Locations on Your Info Card
+Book of the Day: Kingdom Without Borders- $5 (normally $18- less than 10 cents a country ;) )
9:33pm Session was cool. World Vision leading Poverty session now. I'm SO hungry, stomach hurts.
1. Risk in relationship w/ Christ
2. Risk w/ people
3. ??? [A: He said there'd be three points, I missed the third]
27 million enslaved around the world
5 stories
5 postcards
Instructions for tomorrow:
-Wear the Advocacy t-shirt
-Talk to people, talk about the story of the person you have
-Give them cards
-Ask them to sign postcards [A: similar to a petition], you drop in Senate box
Bible study: 8:45 in the morning
Evening Session: 9:45pm
20 after midnight: Just got back to hotel. Took an hour and 1/2 with the shuttles. Bad, cuz I was sick (threw up from low blood sugar). I THINK I'm okay now-felt like crap for most of the night, though. : ( Weak and ill stomach.
We're at Urbana, we can stop the big wait,
I just hope that tomorrow we won't be late!
8:35pm Bible study starting soon. Stomach is better, but not 100%. Breakfast was good. Buses were on time. Got no sleep-couldn't get comfy (beds were good, though).