Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day of 2010

Happy New Year, everyone!!! Wow, I can't believe 2010 is almost over. Hopefully 2011 will be fantastic.

I'm not big into New Year's Resolutions, but I do have one: Update this thing more often!!! ;) I seriously slacked for the past few months. Though updating it every day isn't great either. I mean, if the ONLY thing I did that day was laundry or cleaning my room, who wants to read about that??? I wouldn't, unless it was told like an epic adventure tale. And normally, I wouldn't have the energy to do that. So maybe finding a balance would be the right way to put it.

My excitement tonight was watching "The Fellowship of the Ring". Not as cool as worshipping God with 16,000 other people, but it was still fun nonetheless. I'm not sure yet how late to stay up. I always stay up to midnight, maybe I'll stay up until 2am??? Who knows.

From the Realm of Randomness,
