Thursday, April 30, 2009
Last Day of April 2009
Tomorrow is May?!?!?!?! Where has the time gone? Crazy. Anyway, not much today. Had History, found out I got an A- on my paper. So that's good. I have a TON to do for the weekend, though....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Mission Speech: Accomplished
So, I survived my last speech. Which means I probably passed the class-yay! I think the speech went okay. We'll see. Can't type too much, I'm tired and my head hurts. Hay mucho a hacer mañana....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
28 de abril, 2009
Finished my lit paper-yay! That's all I can say about it right now. Work was OK, History was OK (High Middle Ages), I am NOT looking forward to giving my speech tomorrow. I just want it to be over. Approximately 16 more hours and it'll be finished....
Oh, I want to go to England.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Stress City, April 27 09
So, I am very stressed right now. As such, I'm a little scatterbrained. Here's why I'm stressed:
-I have a lit paper due Wednesday (i.e., finish tomorrow)
-I have a speech Wednesday (i.e. polish up EVERYTHING by tomorrow)
-I have to finish other smaller assignments
-I feel like my big projects are only mediocre.
Hence, my extreme stress that will not go away. I got to see one of my friends at Noodles, that was nice to see her and hear about her European adventures. Makes me want to travel. But obviously, I'm not going to be anywhere but in stress city for a long time.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
AH!: Sunday Lit and Speech Edition
So, right now, let me just say that I am writing this under a very stressed mind. Also, I'm not sure why I keep forgetting this, but I found out that I share a birthday with Antonio Vivaldi.... And I was born on National Grammar Day. How unbelievably cool is that? Anyway:
Work was slow at first (because it was raining), but then it got busy. I decided that rainy days are great when you don't have to go anywhere. And it's nice to be inside the library when it's rainy.
Tribe was good. Had some new people there, so that was cool.
Worked on my lit paper like crazy (and practiced my speech once or twice). Those things are taking up my life right now, because they are both due Wednesday, and they are both pretty big projects. So I'm very stressed right now, I even have a headache partially because of it (other part is the sudden weather change). In fact, I'm going to go work on both projects now before I go to bed. Goodbye....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
25 de abril, 2009
Did some homework. Still wish I could've done more. Went to Willow Creek today. Had pizza. That's it. I wish I liked driving. And I wish I wasn't so tired and stressed all the time.
Friday, April 24, 2009
24 de abril, 2009
The weather was nice. It was actually hot, got up to the 80s. Went to Cheesecake Factory. It was good. Didn't get a lot of homework done. For the most part, I had a Wizard Angst Day. What's that? Well, basically it's when I feel "cranky and pubescent and I don't know why!". Sometimes I "take it out on people I like", but mostly I just want to hit my head over and over muttering "Angst! Angst! Angst! Angst!". And of course, someone invades my personal bubble. Here's a link, hopefully it works:
Oh, and today I want to go to England, Paris and Italy.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
23 de abril, 2009
Um... History was okay, learned about the growth of the Medieval Church. Did minimal homework, hope to do more tomorrow. I am really tired, and I'm not sure why. Turned in history paper today. Only 1 speech, 1 paper, 1 test, 3-4 finals, and approximately 12 miscellaneous assignments until the end of the semester.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Bard's Birthday 2009
Ack! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was unbelievably tired. Anyway:
Tuesday-Worked on History paper a little. Did other homework. History was good, learned a little bit about the Expansion of Islam. Work was okay.
Weds-Woke up extremely tired; even though I got 9 hours of sleep. Weird. Lit was fine. Speech was really good; after signing off on speaking days (I got 3rd slot of the first day, April 29th-one week from today), we held our class outside! It was so nice, the weather was 60 degrees and very sunny. Spanish was good too. Also, today is Shakespeare's birthday (yes, normal people acknowledge this as Earth Day... but since when was I normal?), so CLC had something in the Atrium. Nothing big, just readings and posters and stuff, and cake. Pretty good, but makes me want to travel to England even more....
Monday, April 20, 2009
20 de abril, 2009
I had a long day. Advisor meeting was okay. Classes were fine. I was at campus from 9:15am-6:50pm. Not cool. I will be working to death on my assignments for a while. Watched M*A*S*H* for the first time in a long time. Some parts of the day were extremely productive, others were definitely not. Overall, it was fine.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
19 de abril, 2009
It rained today. Better than snow, that's for sure. Church was good. Tribe was good. Studying was not good. I didn't get NEARLY as much done as I should've. Thankfully, all mandatory stuff for today is done. But still, not looking forward to tomorrow.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
101 STEELE Work Crusades at Fridays with Beautiful Weather
Odd title, you say? Well, here's my day to give an explanation:
-We had beautiful weather today-I think we actually got into the 70's!
-However, I worked from 9-5 today. It wasn't too bad, I actually got a lot done!
-Found out Ryan's Lego Team, Team STEELE, got second place overall at Worlds Competition! Pretty cool. He and Dad should be heading back from Georgia now.
-After work, we went to Friday's. It was pretty good.
-Then, we watched 101 Dalmatians (the live action version with Glenn Close as Cruella De Vil). It was enjoyable, Sean seemed to like it.
-Finally, I worked a little bit on my History paper about the Crusades. I hope to work on it more tomorrow.
Hopefully that's a good explanation for my title.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Macbeth and Fire
Today, I studied. I completed my LAST politics quiz! Woohoo! Now I only need to survive two discussions and the huge Obama project and I am DONE with that class! I stayed at home by myself for the morning/afternoon while everyone else was in Lake Geneva. Kind of nice to be home alone. Then I had dinner at Panera with a friend-I had Forest Mushroom soup (never tried it before, actually pretty good!) with Caesar salad and French baguette. Very good! Then we went over to CLC to see Macbeth only to find fire trucks. Turns out a bathroom caught on fire. Very weird. The show did go on, it was just delayed. I seem to be a magnet for fire.... ; ) Anyway, the play was really good! I'm glad I saw it.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
16 de abril, 2009
History was fine. Learned about Byzantine Empire and Rise of Islam (sort of). Took Math placement test, did awful, so now I have to take four math classes instead of 3 (and only one would transfer. Gr). Add that to other stuff, today wasn't a great day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
15 de abril
Not much happened. Found out I got an A on both my speech and my Spanish test; that was very surprising. I got a very sweet note in the mail from someone whose identity is a mystery because the postal service didn't bother to return it in one piece-i.e., the signature AND return address are missing (though I think I know who it is). I have a Math Placement test tomorrow and I'm not feeling very good about it. I've been so tired and distracted all day and I don't know why.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
14 de abril
So, this week seems like a slightly stressful week. Hopefully if I figure out my schedule and stuff, it won't be so bad. Signed up for my summer class and my Spanish class for Fall semester. History was OK, Rome fell (well, sort of). Went to Culver's for dinner. Work was OK. Listened to "What Do the Simple Folk Do?" from Camelot-I especially love the dancing music in that song. Its "charm" worked for a little while.
Oh, did I mention Ryan is in Georgia? Yeah, he and Dad left today for the Lego Team Worlds Competition. Very jealous; I want to go to Georgia! School messes up everything.
: (
That's all for now,
Monday, April 13, 2009
13 de abril, 2009
Not much to report. Just an ordinary Monday. Listened to the "Camelot" soundtrack. I have NO idea why I like that musical, I just do. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Nothing to report for today.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter 2009!
Happy Easter everyone! Christ is Risen! Anyway, I have been up since 5:45 am, yikes. That's cuz I went to two church services for Easter; 8am at Willow Creek, 11 am at VCB. Both were really good! Easter services always seem extra special. : ) Then me and my family went to Sweet Tomatoes, which was great. Then I mostly relaxed.
Well, not looking forward to school tomorrow. Tengo un examen de español....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sad Saturday 2009
So, today wasn't actually sad. I just figured that if the day Christ died was Good Friday, and Sunday was Easter/Resurrection Sunday, then the day in between needed a name too. I went with Sad Saturday figuring Jesus' followers were sad because He died.... Yep, I have a weird imagination sometimes.
Work wasn't too bad. I got some homework done, but not as much as I should have. Oh well, at least I got almost everything that I needed to get done over the weekend done.
Well, need to go to bed. I'm exhausted. And I want to go to the Louvre. No idea why.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday 2009
Willow Creek Good Friday service was good. I got some homework done, but not nearly as much I should. I really need to crack down on the homework. My mom made me drive the van around the block; I really don't like driving. Tomorrow I work 9-5. Not cool. Also, I'm still feeling a little sick. Not good again. I really don't have much to report.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thursday, Slightly Terrific
No History today, because my teacher is observing Passover. Watched "Mary Poppins" today and tonight I watched "Maria, Full of Grace"-another Spanish film. Pretty good. Then I got to talk with a friend tonight-it's always nice to catch up on the phone. Other than that, I dreamed of European travel. Unfortunately, I may have to be more productive tomorrow. I can't believe tomorrow is Good Friday. So weird.
That's all for now.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Weird Wednesday
Lit was fine today, speech was fine today (it was good to just listen to speeches without worrying about your own speech), Spanish was fine today. I'm so tired today. I really have no idea what I want to do with my life and it sucks. In Spanish we learned a little bit about Holy Week in Spain, and I had realized that I completely forgot that Easter is Sunday. I really need to snap out of this homework-work-school daze, it's ridiculous. Hopefully tomorrow will be better; since my History teacher will be observing Passover, there is no class tomorrow. : ) These thoughts are some of the most random I've come up with and that's saying something. Peanut Butter is tasty (had to add more randomness).
Oh, I want to go to England.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday Tiredness
Aside from a sore throat, I'm actually not feeling too bad. Well, I'm tired, but what's new there? History was fine, starting to get into the decline of Rome. Found out I got a B on my midterm. Meh. Work was OK. I actually got everything done. It was amazing.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Back to School: Ugh....
Well, I'm back to school. And officially sick. Mostly a sore throat at this point. Spanish and Lit were OK (not fabulous), and I didn't think I did very well on my speech. Oh well, I am now 3 papers, 2 tests, 1 speech, 2 quizzes, 3-4 finals, and 21 miscellaneous assignments away from freedom.
Trying to figure out scheduling stuff for next semester, prerequisites and miscellaneous school stuff. Not fun, especially when right now all I want to do is watch a movie or something. *sigh*
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Break '09, Day 10: End of Break
Work was OK, Tribe was good. My break is ending and I am NOT happy about this. Especially since I have a speech tomorrow. I'm not feeling too confident about it. As always, I will only feel better when it's done and over with. Also, I'm not feeling too great....
Oh yeah, it's snowing. Personally, that should be illegal in April.
Anyway, I better go to bed and prepare for going back to school. Ew. If I did my math correctly, I am 3 papers, 2 tests, 2 speeches, 2 quizzes, 3-4 finals, and 22 miscellaneous assignments away from freedom.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Break 09, Days 6, 7, 8 and 9: Rock Band and Taylor
AH! So, I am PAINFULLY behind on updating this blog. Whoops. Anyway, I'll do my best to summarize.
Wednesday: I still can't believe it's April. Totally forgot it was April Fool's Day. Except that Mugglenet and Youtube had entertaining stuff for it. Oh, I went to Mariclare's house and she taught me Rock Band (which is similar to Guitar Hero)-it was SO fun! I did Easy, and still wasn't great, but who cares? I mostly did bass while MK did guitar. We played a lot of 80's rock songs (in other words, we didn't recognize most of them), some favorites were "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor and "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. :D
Thursday: Drove a really long time to Indiana to visit Taylor University. I stayed overnight in Olson Hall. It pretty much made me want to go to Taylor even more. The only downside was that somebody burned popcorn or something at 3am so the fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate. So I got little to no sleep, which wasn't fun, but everything else was good.
Friday: Had breakfast and lunch in the DC (Dining Commons) at Taylor-which is pretty good as far as dorm food goes-sat in a World Literature class and Philosophy/Religion type class, plus I went to chapel. All confirmed that Taylor is for me. Went to McAlister's with the fam for dinner, went to my uncle's house, then went to the hotel in Indy and I slept for 10-11 hours.
Saturday: We got back to Boringsville with no issues. Did some homework. Have more to do tomorrow, but it shouldn't be too bad. Not too much else. I can't believe Spring break is ending. Not cool.
Well, I should go to bed soon. I'm really tired. Plus, two of my brothers plus my dad are sick with a cold, and I'm hoping that I don't get sick....
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